
LinkedIn’s Top Startups: Growing the team at Flare

LinkedIn has named Flare as one of the top startups to work for in 2019! We’re excited to be featured alongside so many fantastic local companies who are pushing the envelope with innovation, tech and – yes! – with culture.

The list went live just last week, and we feel it was a testament to who we are, what we believe, and how we work. As a company grows, it’s incredibly important to keep growing into and with your values, and we think this list is a great example of how Flare was able to do just that.

The past twelve months have been a transformative time for the team, and the accomplishments that we can put our names to have made every one of us prouder than ever to be here!

We have a really engaged culture here at Flare. We live by our People First value, we support each other, and we are building that rare mix of team, family and community. Our people get together for team outings, we celebrate our wins together every Friday, we share movie nights, grand finals, and family picnics.

It’s not just a place where we work – it’s a place where we belong.

…And the great part is, we’re growing fast and hiring!

We’re on the hunt for amazing candidates for roles across a number of teams including customer support, marketing, product, tech and sales. These are all roles that will allow you to have a deeply personal impact on the company’s mission, future and achievements throughout the next few years. If that’s a challenge that you’re up for, you’ll find a support network of professionals who will become more than just co-workers – they’ll be your fellow travellers on the Flare journey.

Flare’s Values…

People First

At Flare we put our people first, every time. We believe an employee centric focus will always result in better customer outcomes. 

Bat .400

Flare gives everyone the opportunity to swing the bat. We believe great things are only achieved when we promote an environment that encourages trying, even if you fail. 

Trust the Process

Flare understands that success and growth are not a straight line –  the path is more like a walk of discovery. 

Do the Right Thing

We empower our people to do the right thing when faced with conflict. We know that this yields long term success and sustainability. 

Act like an Owner

We encourage everyone to take responsibility for the company and the mission. This value is at the centre of our culture and our teamwork.

Check out our listings right here, and apply! https://lnkd.in/dPKvqWt

How HR managers can shift from paperwork to people work

Human Resources management can be surprisingly labour-intensive. The amount of “process” can be highly counterproductive, too, eating up time and resources. The new approach to HR management is automation. 

Automation has a lot to offer for hardworking people who need all the time and space they can get. Increased efficiencies are across the board with HR automation, from the absolute basics to recruiting, and more. 

HR Automation Essential Concepts

HR automation delivers a full suite of practical applications. There are many types and scales of HR automation and solutions, and all of them are highly productive. This technology is specifically designed for HR needs, including all facets of records, data management, and reporting. 

HR automation isn’t quite “MYOB for HR”, but it is equally adaptable and flexible, suitable for any HR environment. Whether you’re a gigantic corporation or mid-range business size, HR automation is a very high-value asset. 

HR Automation Features

HR automation technologies offer many useful features: 

  • Payroll: Spreadsheet-based records which integrate with any financial accounts system 
  • Tax records and forms: Payments, deductions, group certificates, new employee taxes, etc. 
  • Employee key data: Easy to manage personal records for all employees
  • Staff evaluations and reports: These critical documents are created and recorded on the HR system
  • Onboarding: Full-spectrum onboarding data for all new employees from day one. 
  • Recruitment: Automated recruitment is highly efficient, including a full record of applicants, job information, and all relevant additional documentation. 
  • Records management: HR records of all kinds are digitally stored, indexed, and easy to maintain. Most HR automation systems also provide backups to avoid loss of data. 
  • Time management information: Automated systems are ideal for HR managers who need shift data, travel records, and similar information. 
  • Employment type-specific data: Depending on the type of employment your company offers, like casual, full-time, or part-time, your HR automation system can manage all types of employment. 

As you can see, there’s almost no limit to how these HR automation options can work for you. 

Cost Benefits

The cost benefits of HR automation are irrefutable. These systems save a lot of money across the bandwidth of HR operations. From better records to better reporting and overall management, the old paper and earlier digital HR systems simply can’t compete. 

Cost analyses show that even the most basic features of modern HR systems are exceptionally cost-beneficial. Far less time is spent on maintaining HR records. Many new systems also include capacity for employee inputs, like changes of address, marital status, payroll deductions, and similar features, as well as the HR inputs. The overall result is a far more accessible system with instant documentation wherever required. 

The HR automation upgrade also has some very clear benefits:

Modernisation: Obsolete and “nearing end of product life” HR operations and methodologies can be phased out and HR operations can be brought up to current market standards. (Old systems can be serious liabilities, particularly the very old systems which are usually unable to upgrade, leaving HR with vast amounts of data to be laboriously put on the new systems.)  

HR management: HR management is really about managing people, not endless processes.  The fact is that many HR managers are well and truly lumbered with systems which interfere with their management roles. There’s no credible business reason why that should happen. HR automation is the all-round solution to this problem, in so many ways. 

HR automation is the solution to so many HR management needs it’s now considered best practice around the world. If you’re looking for better options, explore HR automation. You’ll love it. 


Choosing an HR Software System Your People Want to Use: The How-To

Choosing an HR software system comes with many of the same challenges as implementing any other new procedure in your business. Because of this, you’ll need to show your employees that the software brings real value to their workday. 

This could be through making tasks easier or saving employees time. It could be through better communication or an improved end result. Either way, if those at your company don’t see value in the software, they will be less likely to want to use it. 

When choosing a new HR software system, you must make sure it addresses the challenges faced by your HR team. If the software does this, it’ll only be a matter of time before they see the value in the new tool and fully embrace using it.

Here is our guide to choosing the HR software system your people will love to use.

Does the HR Software Tackle Specific Challenges?

The key to successfully implementing HR software your employees will want to use is to ensure the software tackles the specific issues the HR team has. Talk to your organisation’s HR department to see what challenges they are facing and where they think HR software could improve their day-to-day work.

Perhaps they feel employee reviews are taking up too much time. In this case, choosing software that automates part of this process could be a priority. Alternatively, if your business has a high staff turnover, you may need software that can take care of part of the employee onboarding process.

Being sure about your needs is important because while most HR software platforms come with a similar core of features, there are differences in what they offer. Many also provide extra features and addons to tackle specific tasks such as payroll or employee rewards. 

Be sure to check that the software package you choose has features that tackle your business’s specific challenges. 

Is the Software User Friendly?

Your employees already have a way of working. It may not be optimal, but it is what they are used to, and old habits can be hard to replace. Therefore, the easier it is for your employees to get to grips with your new HR software, the more likely it is they will want to use it. 

Key to this is quality training. It’s very unlikely that your team will instantly understand even the easiest to use software. However, by choosing a product that provides robust instructional material or even in-person training you may be able to make the process easier. 

If your team is familiar with the software from day-one, it will reduce teething issues and ensure your team is able to get the most from the software straight away.

Does it Automate Key Processes?

One of the biggest draws of HR software is that it automates time-consuming processes, saving your HR team time and allowing them to focus on other tasks. The HR software you choose may automate many tasks including those related to:

  • Document generation-By setting templates and specifying what information to fill, HR teams can automatically generate documents such as employment contracts and company policy.
  • New hire onboarding-Many solutions automate much of the onboarding process, from capturing key employee information to providing them with training videos.
  • Payroll-HR software can automate payments and keeps records. If you have hourly employees, it can automatically track hours worked on make payments based on this data.
  • Data storage-By automatically keeping track of your records, HR employees can easily find the information they need when they need it. Some software systems allow you to set notifications based on this data. This can help with discovering when, for example, employee certificates are set to expire.
  • Employee reviews-HR software can automatically take care of the employee review process by sending out timely questionnaires and storing the answers.

As mentioned in the first part of this article, it’s important that you speak to your HR teams to ensure the software you choose supports them with the tasks they feel they need help with. 

Is it Cloud-Based?

Cloud-based HR software has many advantages over non-cloud-based alternatives. Many of these advantages make using the software easier for your team.

Changes you make to HR system data will update automatically for every user, meaning your team will always have access to the latest information. Additionally, cloud-based systems can drive productivity by allowing your employees to work wherever they are through smartphone or browser-based apps. 

Beyond this, being cloud based means the software is easier to integrate into your business than on-site alternatives. Software updates are also easier and will happen automatically. 


Does the Software Have a Strong Employee Portal?

While most of the benefits of great HR software systems will be for the HR team itself, it is also important that it is easy for your business’s non-HR employees to access and use. This is because many of the features will require input from employees. 

A strong employee portal will allow your staff to complete tasks related to onboarding, training, and feedback. It may also allow them to check payslips and request holidays. 

How this works will depend on the HR software you choose. Some may provide an app that employees can download to manage aspects related to their job. Other may provide a browser log in. 

Either way, making this process as easy to access and use as possible will encourage workers to use the software, in turn making life easier for your HR team.

Does it Integrate with the Tools Your Team Already Uses?

HR software doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The more it can integrate with the tools your team already uses, the more likely it is they will be happy using the new software.

The exact integrations you require will depend on your team’s existing tools. Common integrations include those that work with time tracking apps, learning apps for ongoing training and onboarding, payroll software, and applicant tracking software for new hires. 

Wrapping Up

The HR software system your employees want to use is the one that tackles the challenges they face in the workplace. 

Being sure about what these challenges are and then picking a software based on solving these issues is the first step to choosing a platform your employees will love to use. Beyond this, the software should be user friendly and fit into the teams existing workflow. 

10 HR Functions To Automate

Human resource (HR) departments are responsible for the administration and management of numerous important tasks in an organisation. Since employees are the most valuable asset of a business, HR plays a central role in the realisation of the enterprise strategic goals. The HR workload can however be enormous and thus a strain on HR staff. Ergo, any mechanism that can simplify, streamline and speed up HR processes must be welcomed with open arms. 

In decades past, HR teams had no option but to perform their role manually. With the coming of the Digital Age, HR departments can now leverage the power of information technology to great effect. Tasks that would need hours or days to do under a manual regime can now be completed in a matter of seconds. If you are looking at automating your HR processes, here are the tasks that are prime candidates.


The proliferation of predictive analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence has not only been a boon for lead generation and conversion but can also be a powerful tool for recruitment. 

HR departments can choose from a wide range of tools that handle part or all of the recruitment process including posting ads on multiple job portals, tracking applications received, analysing candidates for suitability, shortlisting the best matches and scheduling interviews.


No one loves paperwork. Not only does paper make a task seem bigger than it is but managing it can be exhausting. This is particularly problematic when onboarding a new hire as there’s a whole lot of documents that have to be correctly completed and signed. A complex and arduous process can be repulsive for new staff and is a key reason why some leave an organisation within the first 90 days. 

HR automation tools can eliminate paperwork, manage employee integration, provide the right training and on-time, and overall hasten onboarding.

Attendance and Timesheet Management

Keeping tabs on employee attendance is vital. And that’s not just because it ensures staff are available to do what they were hired to do but is also how wages are calculated. Traditional attendance tracking and timesheet management was a cumbersome fraud-prone endeavor that became much harder to do as the number of employees increased.

Yet, timesheet management is perhaps the easiest HR process to automate with the intervention of HR staff only needed to handle the occasional exception. Timesheet tracking tools can pick up the time an employee card was swiped in and out as well as monitor network logins and logouts. 

Leave Management

Much like attendance and timesheet automation, leave management can be managed and tracked in a similar fashion. In fact, for many HRM systems, the leave and attendance processes are handled within the same module. 

Automating leave management ensures employees obtain approvals for their leave requests much quicker.

Leave days are allocated in a way that will not compromise the execution of work roles. For instance, automation would check for dependencies and prevent any two employees handling the same function (assuming only the two of them can) from going on leave at the same time.

Performance Management

Performance management is one of the more difficult aspects of HR to fully automate.There’s substantial manual intervention required since the performance is an evaluation of the individual’s ability to meet or exceed expectations. 

Nevertheless, automation can come in handy in establishing clear goals for each employee. The goals would be visible to the appropriate stakeholders such as the employee, their supervisor and higher-ups, the organisation’s top leadership and the HR department. Such visibility means the personal goals can be interrogated for consistency with enterprise goals. 

Performance management automation tools can also generate detailed reports demonstrating performance over time thus providing vital data for promotion, payrise and career path decisions.


Payroll processing deals with wages, bonuses, reimbursements and appraisals. It is one of the most critical processes not just in HR but the entire organisation. A collapse, discrepancy or delay in payroll processing can have profound repercussions. 

It’s fundamental that the payroll is processed correctly and punctually to avoid antagonising employees, violating laws and regulations, or triggering costly lawsuits. 

Automation through payroll software minimizes errors, enhances compliance, accelerates payments and eventually leads to a highly motivated workforce. 


Not all benefits provided by the organisation are available to all staff from the get-go. Rather, employees will become eligible for certain benefits once they attain a particular rank, after they have worked in the organisation or role for a given period, when they acquire a new qualification and many other reasons that vary from one organisation to the next. 

It’s not hard to keep tabs on such eligibility for a company with 5 employees. It’s however a completely different ballgame for organisations with hundreds or thousands of workers. This process can be automated such that as soon as the criteria is met, the benefits are made available without the need for manual HR intervention.

Expense Claims

Under the traditional manual regime, the expense claims process was costly, dated and inaccurate. An employee would complete a paper form that they forward to their manager together with supporting receipts and invoices. The manager approves then sends it to the accounting department for filing and payment. It was prone to mistakes. 

You can automate the expense claims process and shift the responsibility for submitting accurate information to the employee. HR staff only role is therefore just quality control where exceptional or illegal claims and claim patterns trigger alerts.


If there’s a situation when everything must be done correctly each time, it’s employee offboarding. Remember that the circumstances around the offboarding aren’t always cordial. Emotions may be high if, for instance, the employee was fired. A misstep in this process could provide a loophole for future litigation or avail the employee an opportunity to wreak havoc on company data and systems. 

When an employee exits an organisation, numerous steps must be completed including repossessing equipment, disabling system access, organising final dues and revoking authorisation to transact on the company’s behalf. Automating this process would prevent any step from falling through the cracks and provides assurance that everything has been done as needed.

Workplace Injury and Safety Incidents

If an accident occurs in the work environment and an employee is injured as a result, reports must be filed with the workers’ compensation insurer and the appropriate regulator in compliance with the relevant workplace health and safety laws. It’s a sensitive process that must balance the wellbeing of the employee against protection from unnecessary liability for the employer. 

Automating the reporting means the information is gathered, organised and relayed, faster and more accurately.

By automating HR tasks, organisations can not only reduce the number of staff they need in their HR departments but also free up HR employee time for more strategic work. The benefits of an effective HR inevitably spill over to the rest of the organisation. As a result, the entire business runs more efficiently.

Why HR spend is so important

Flare Vlog: #PeopleandCulture

If you’re in HR, you know how important your resources are. You know how important it is to make sure you have the budget for the right tools. People and culture depends on you, and the experience your employees have comes down to the time and the resources you have.

In the first Flare Vlog, our head of content Joan sits down with Cam from our sales team to talk about getting those HR resources and putting them in the right place.

#BestFirstDays: Meet Alan from Flare

Alan is all about how day one can set you up for the rest of your career…

My first day at Flare was amazing. I was a little bit nervous, as as you are when you’re at a new job, going down the elevator and kind of walking back and forth in front of the office half an hour early.

I didn’t want to be late, but I didn’t want to be too eager! And while I was trying to decide what to do, my team-mate Josh opened the front door and welcomed me into my new home and shook my hand.

I’ve been on Joshua’s team for the past two years and we work super close, so kicking off like that was perfect. A really nice way to be welcomed into the family. And following that introduction, I met with Steph, who’s our Director of financial well-being and got to know her, and I got invited out to lunch by my new co-worker Matt and by Dan Cohen who’s the co-founder and CEO of Flare. They took me out for a bite and we had a burrito which I’d mentioned was my favourite food, and it was a really, really nice touch.

When I got shown to my desk, I had everything there waiting for me. I had my phone, I had my laptop, I had my favourite coffee, my cappuccino, I even had my favourite brownie waiting on my desk. It was so warm, and just really different to what I’ve ever been exposed to at another job. I came back for day two, so itt was great.

I’ve been working at Flare for just about two years. Time has gone by really quickly. It’s been one of the most exciting roles I’ve ever had and one of the most exciting, businesses I’ve ever been part of. And I’m really looking forward to the next six months.

I’ve been working within the sales team, but the best part about the role is the fact that I get to be involved in many different discussions, including implementation and development, and I even get to be involved in product management. I love the chance to be in a room full of people who are way smarter than me.

“I believe the first day of any job is critical. It’s the first impression that the people in the organisation make on you and take from you. It’s where you first understand the culture and the values, and it sets you up to keep coming back for week two, month two and year two. The first day is the opportunity to really make people believe in what they’re doing. And the only way to do that is for people to practice what they preach. It starts on day one. That definitely had an effect on me, and it’s the reason I’m still at Flare.

You can use our onboarding guide to reinvent and perfect your own onboarding in time for the summer!

Best First Days: Summer Onboarding 2019

It might be winter now, but summer is around the corner…

For any business in hospitality or retail, the summer onboarding sprint is going to be a major period of productivity. The HR staff have more to do than any other time of the year. When you’re responsible for bringing on new staff in the hundreds or even thousands, it’s crucial that you’re able to do it efficiently, quickly and with as little friction as possible!

We’ve found that our companies know exactly when they need to power up their hiring and bring on fresh talent, and it starts right about now. With the lead time you’ll need to advertise, interview, hire, onboard, train and deploy your new superstars, summer onboarding kicks off in July, every year. 

This summer, we’re all about #BestFirstDays

We all remember when we started our first jobs, and how it set us up for our working lives!

It’s a breath of independence, the moment we could make our own choices. Make our own lives.  Start our own journeys. That brief moment before we started hating iphone alarms. 

We took a huge step into the world, on that day. And it opened so many doors. 

For decades, generations of young people have faced that coming of age as a part of growing up. It’s shaped who they are. As adults. As coworkers. 

For the rest of their lives, they’ll follow their dreams, and they’ll meet new challenges. They’ll go further, work smarter, and take on careers that reflect their values and where they want to be.

Through their work with you, they’ll pay their first rent and book their next trip overseas. It all starts on that first day.

At Flare, we think a lot about firsts. We think about how they set the stage for everything that comes next.

When you onboard new staff for the first time, you have the chance to give them the best first day of their careers. Their best first experience of a new job. It can do so much for the way they’ll work, how they’ll interact with customers, and what it’ll mean for your company culture. 

How do you do it right? The onboarding piece is crucial to your success throughout the summer period…

From compliance to cohesion, you’re going to be thanking yourself if you have an oboarding process in place that gives every single person the headstart they need, in a way that’s efficient and streamlined.

We’re not going to lie – the single best way to do that is with an integrated onboarding tool and platform like Flare that can take your people through the onboarding in a few clicks, and reduce your own admin time.

 For the Flare champions at Glue and JD Sports, having that onboarding tool in place has set the baseline for success:

Flare has helped centralize employee data and streamline the onboarding process. Now instead of the manual process, the HR department needs only click one button and everyone gets their welcome email and the accompanying documentation. Once the employee completes their details, an email is sent to the payroll department with all the details of the new hire. The payroll manager no longer needs to print out the documents as it’s all compact, simplified and well formatted. 

Flare has a degree of flexibility that made it easier to customize features to align with the HR team’s objectives. In particular, the email alert sent to the payroll department after onboarding had to have all the requisite information since incomplete data would render the email useless. Flare’s development team working together with the HR and tech departments ensured the email that payroll received had all the information needed so they didn’t have to manually refer to the employee’s folder.


“It really made a huge difference to the process, because a lot of the time the people weren’t returning their paperwork. It just eliminated the need for the back and forth and the chasing up.”

You can use our onboarding guide to reinvent and perfect your own onboarding in time for the summer!

Onboarding Guide On iPad
  • Plan how your company onboards new employees and set up the processes and systems that are going to keep it streamlined, efficient, reliable and impactful.
  • Design an experience that introduces new employees to your company culture and values, ensuring that new starters can fit in and acclimatise.
  • Learn how to get everyone in the company involved in the onboarding process, with buy in from every department, so that everyone’s first day is always a big deal.
  • Benchmark your onboarding against some of the top companies in the retail and hospitality industries and see where you can get better!

We’ll be sharing our own #BestFirstDays in the lead up to the summer, along with the top onboarding tips, resources and articles!

Stay tuned for everything coming next, and don’t forget to give us a shout out or an email if you’d like to share your own #BestFirstDay with us!

How To Keep Contractors Engaged

If your workforce is made up for contractors, how do you keep them engaged and keep them on board? They’re more flexible in how they work, and they’re hugely valuable, so it’s important that you don’t lose touch with them. When you’re able to keep contractors engaged, energised and interested, your key assets are ready for activation.

The lesson you learn from building a great contractor list is that you have to take care of contractors before they get too bored and go elsewhere. Your people are constantly talking to other contractors about what they’ll be working on next. They’re in demand, and they’re already on the look for the next big project.

We’ve been talking to companies that have used Flare in the past to get some insights into how they keep their contractors engaged in the long term – here are some of our key insights!

The major key:Perks and Benefits

The most important engagement tool is your employee perks and benefits program. You have to make sure you’re offering something unique and valuable that can help you to build an extra bridge between you and your contractors.

You can also consider how your employee perks contribute to making sure that you’re not losing contractors to competition. Money isn’t always the answer to everything, and where you can provide better alternatives than just a pay check, you’re far more attractive as a hirer. If you’re losing contractors to competitors and you’re looking for a way to preserve your workforce, it might be better to consider taking advantage of these advantages and create “special deals” for employees.

What are the perks that employers pay their employees to make them happy? If you’re thinking about expanding your business, you should consider taking advantage of employee perks like gift cards, free gym membership, and free coffee.

One of the most popular companies that offers contractor perks is Amazon. In 2016, the company increased the amount of perks of its employees through a promotion for employees participating in a new employee-led initiative called “Prime.” Amazon says it aims to reduce attrition by creating a unique mix of memberships that focus on employee culture.

Amazon perks vary with location, but can range from free meals and gifts to free travel. It’s a game changer for their contractors. Many labour hire companies here in Australia do use Flare’s benefits platform to activate and engage their contractors – you can find out more here:

2. Make them a part of the project

This can be one of the most difficult and most important mistakes you could make in building a great contractor workforce. You’re almost always talking to your customers about how you are a great company making something cool. They trust your word, they are confident in what you do, and they’re ready to back you.

But how often do you make that sell to your contractors in a way that makes them feel like they’re a part of the mission and a part of the journey? There’s something to be said for a shared purpose, and it can make a difference even when you’re collaborating with flexible staff. Contractors still want to be a part of something bigger, and contribute to work that they’re proud of, and you can make that happen.

3. Maintain a training program

Some organisations keep up a happy relationship with their contractors by having a regular, ongoing training program that helps the contractors stay qualified and allows the company to keep up a healthy relationship.

Having a training program like this online, onsite or at a location where you’re a good fit for your workforce can go a long way. You’ll be amazed at how much more effective your contractor engagement is when you’re offering value like that. Keep in mind that your entire workforce is a partner with you in your training program – you both get the rewards!

Getting The Best Out Of Your HR Tech (In 3 Ways…)

Your HR software platform can be a crucial component for your organisation to become successful in a changing work environment. It is honestly critical you have a comprehensive understanding of the software you choose to use to manage your employees and ensure you are appropriately addressing their needs.

Excelling at your role today means getting the right tech and using it properly in order to reach your full potential. We wanted to highlight several key issues to get you started, and show how important it is.

Rely on feedback

Feedback from your company’s customers and your staff is something companies know they’ve got to seek out and take seriously. But how many people really put that into practice?

For HR software, having a diverse pool of users means, not only can you try out and test new applications based on your unique needs and goals, but you can help the rest of your people (and all employees, if the product, service or service offerings are well executed).

It is important to note that your staff do not just use an HR product, service or service offering, they actually seek out those tools and use them on a daily basis because they want their working lives to be more efficient. When they’re not happy with software, or they want changes, they’ll give that feedback, and if you take it on board, it can only help you succeed!

Choose the software that actually meets your HR needs

If you are in the market for a piece of HR tech it is very important to consider what your business needs are right now and balance it with what you’re going to need tomorrow.

Do you need to find software that will solve one smaller problem, or do you need software and support for people across your business who simply might have a range of changing needs and roles and responsibilities? Is it more important to have specialised software, or to have an HR tool that’s easy to scale and grow with? Do you want more functionality now, or the ability to add it on later?

One of the key points to remember, when looking out for your users, is that if you use the same software for everyone on the staff, it’s got to be able to serve them up a good, supported, streamlined experience.

Make sure it’s impacting the real world

From the largest technology companies on the planet to the world’s biggest workforces, spanning spanning every single industry, from corporations to small businesses, one thing matters. If you’re buying tools that make you feel warm and fuzzy but don’t move the needle in a measurable way, you’re wasting your time and resources.

It’s important to make sure that the HR software that you choose works as it should, and will help you achieve better results with your employees. As such, you want to make sure you are planning for and leveraging a wide range of analytics and reporting on your HR platform and what you’re doing with it.

The following are some of the most important things you can do to ensure your HR software provides its maximum possible benefit to your employer, and that your IT departments and employees are properly empowered for the future benefits of HR and your organisation.

There are two aspects of creating and managing your HR software that should be very important to keep in mind. One of these, is ensuring that the software properly handles your HR needs and the second is making sure that you can track time saved, resources saved, how satisfied your people are, and how much actual contact you can have with employees through it.

By now you’ve probably realised that you have a few HR software projects ready to be started. The process of setting up an HR software platform never has to be difficult and sometimes even more difficult to avoid it.

If you can set aside some resources to navigate the HR tech landscape, make a decision that is based on who your company is and your particular software needs, you’ll have the chance to get the most out of your software, your people – and your own role!

Your HR software platform can be a crucial component for your organisation to become successful in a changing work environment. It is honestly critical you have a comprehensive understanding of the software you choose to use to manage your employees and ensure you are appropriately addressing their needs.