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How to sell human resources tools to a skeptic

3 min read

With the exception of a few companies, it takes a lot of time and effort to make a real business case for buying HR software. We see it so often – there’s never a hesitation to spend on more marketing tools, there’s never a hesitation to buy a Salesforce licence, but people pause when there’s an HR line item. That’s why we want to start giving you all the tips here to help you sell your company’s HR needs to the leadership teams.

There are a few tools that can help managers evaluate the health and health of staff. In the case of the employees themselves, they can do more than just look at their salary. Many managers also have a more in-depth look into the physical health of their team members, the level of discipline in their organisations, and other measures of success.

Bridging the gap between human resources and finance by integrating technology and data and human capital management across all areas of human resources and finance, at the global level, this will help us to better connect human capital, finance, technology and management so that they can help to create the optimal level levels of employment in our sectors.

Management need to care about people first.

Do the managers or CEO understand the importance of their people?

It’s really crucial that the chief or chief operating officer in charge of HR in a company wants or needs their human resources professionals to be spending more time with the actual people they’re helping, resourcing and managing. If management can see how hugely important is for you to be hands-on with the staff, you’ll be able to prove an ROI.

That includes HR team leaders; VP; VP of Personnel; CFO; VP/CPO; and so on. You have to show them the value of your personal time, and the value of saving it.

The important thing to say here is that you’re interested in being more available to the staff. You should go in with an emphasis on solving and scaling individual human resource opportunities – including training and support of employees, managing employee resources, promoting employee learning and mentoring.

…But you also need to prove the savings in the long run.

The biggest areas we see an impact from good, solid, scalable HR software? Employee retention and efficiency.

The employee attrition rate in a company, the percentage of employees who leave the business to take other positions, is not just a sign of the health of a company. It’s also a sign of their HR capabilities and efficiency. The more staff who are leaving, the worse we’re all doing at managing and supporting them.

When you’re stretched thin, you have less opportunities to have a positive impact, and that’s always going to flow on to your employee satisfaction. You can’t fix what you can’t see, and if you don’t have time to look up from your paperwork, there’ll b e a lot you can’t see.

Remember: good software cuts costs but you aren’t firing yourself!

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen a great deal of enthusiasm for building software to help businesses automate business processes. However, this enthusiasm isn’t enough. A human is required to perform tasks that require knowledge of the company’s business models and operations. If humans do not perform these tasks properly, it means that the software becomes ineffective.

There is a cost involved to adding a lot of technology to a system, and when the cost is greater than the technology, some of that technology could become a sunk cost.

There’s no danger in replacing yourself when you’re the human at the centre of this!

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With the exception of a few companies, it takes a lot of time and effort to make a real business case for buying HR software. We see it so often – there’s never a hesitation to spend on more marketing tools, there’s never a hesitation to buy a Salesforce licence, but people pause when there’s an HR line item. That’s why we want to start giving you all the tips here to help you sell your company’s HR needs to the leadership teams.